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Shot Breakdown ( click here for pdf version )


Company: Picture Mill
Title: The Last Airbender end title credits.
Contribution: All elements except the fluid fire setup. I took the attributes from a Maya fluid fire simulation from another artist and applied it to the emitting geometry. I modeled, textured and animated the extruded geometries of the fire and water tubes; created all the ember particles that are flying off the main flame tube and all the water droplets emitting off the water tube. Designed the composition and animated the objects and and the camera move. Rendered out several passes to be composited by other artists.

Company: 1741 Films aka. Trailer Park: Motion
Contribution: Everything - CG and compositing.

Company: Furious FX
Title: Race to Witch Mountain - ship flying through tunnel
Contribution: TUNNEL - created the master tunnel sections - modeling, UV mapping, texturing, shading, lighting and some animation; scene and render setup of three tunnel shots; the master tunnel sections were repurposed by other team members to complete the remainder of the tunnel shots; the vehicles in the tunnel were created by other team members. SAUCER SHIP - shader setup; lighting setup for all source lights except the center "engine" source light which was developed by another team member; setup all interactive light that the ship cast within the tunnel and onto itself; some animation adjustment.

Company: Brand New School
Title: SoyJoy
Contribution: 3d Tracking. Shading - dialed in subsurface shaders on jellybeans. Lighting. Rendering - set up the render using multiple render passes for composite.

Company: Digit International / Moneyshots Post
Title: Get Bruce and Lloyd
Contribution: Rigged the proxy rat geometry that was matchmoved. Painted the fur onto the rat geometry and painted attribute maps for the fur in Maya.

Company: Logan VFX
Title: Metal Gear Solid - Ocelot
Contribution: MISSILES - Created missile trails. BUILDINGS - Modeled and textured the buildings except for building damage. FLOCKING BIRDS- setup lo resolution birds, instanced the birds to particles and ran the simulation.

Company: Logan VFX
Title: Metal Gear Solid - Game Show
Contribution: Texturing/Shading - adjusted texture map and shaders on the head. Rendering - broke out elements for multi-pass compositing. Rigging - re-rigged head elements for proper control for the animators.

Company: Furious FX
Title: Race to Witch Mountain - ship doors closing
Contribution: Replaced the practical saucer ship in the shot with an all CG ship: modeled the inside of the doors; detailed the geometry and UVs on the ship; replaced, added or adjusted textures and shaders where needed; lighted the ship to match the practical ship that was replaced; the base ship model was created by another team member.

Company: Brand New School
Title: Cell South
Contribution: scene setup, texturing, shading/lighting and render setup for first clip, lighting and render setup in second clip.

Company: Digit International / Moneyshots Post
Title: Idlewild Blues
Contribution: All modeling, texturing, rigging on goldfish using Zbrush and Maya. Animated goldfish for several passes to be used in comp.

Company: Ntropic
Title: Adapts
Contribution: Assisted with shading and render setup in Mental Ray for Maya. Created HDR cylindrical environment reflection maps using custom shaders in Mental Ray.

Company: Eight VFX 
Title: Zunescape
Contribution: 3d Tracking with 3 other artists. Set extension: media players – all modeling, texturing, shading, lighting, rendering.

Company: Logan 
Title: Metal Gear Solid - Pieuvre Armement
Contribution: Shading - set up and adjusted skin shaders on the octopus. Lighting - lighted the octopus skin in the first 2 clips in the sequence. Rendering - set up render passes. Texturing -UV map and texture map fixes after topology changes. Rigging - skin weight map fixes after topology changes; added headpiece into the octopus rig for the last shot in the sequence.

Company: Zoic
Title: Eureka – Primal
Contribution: Dynamic particle simulation, particle look development.

Company: Moving Pixels
Title:  Rodeo Ship
Contribution: Fluid effects for thrusters on ship. Particle work for dust kicked up by engines. Animation of the ship.

Company: Hydraulx
Title: Aeon Flux
Contribution: Majority of the texture painting on the Relical airship (color/bump/spec) – the main body including transparency and color maps for the rough poly edges of the ripping seams. Other artists painted black explosion smudges over the rest of the ship.

Company: Yu+co
Title: Blind Justice
Contribution: All CG elements: modeling, texturing, animation.

Company: Yu+co
Title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Contribution: All shots of the Thunder Drop ride that required 3d extension/replacement.  All CG elements: modeling, texturing, lighting, animation.

Company: independent freelance
Title: Commons and Robbers
Contribution: All CG elements:  tracking, modeling, texture, lighting and animation.

Company: Logan
Title: Metal Gear Solid - Praying Mantis
Contribution: 3d tracking ( to gauge how well the track sticks - all of the structures in the left of frame and all Japanese signs were added by other artists using the tracked camera).

Company: Brand New School
Title: Cell South
Contribution: 3d tracking. Insertion of some elements into the scenes.

Company: Yu+co
Title: The Terminal
Contribution: Animation and tracking of turning letters. Modified Mel scripts that were written by others for procedural animation of letters.

Company: Yu+co
Title: Hit After Hit
Contribution: Particle animation and texturing of water droplets.

Company: Digit International / Moneyshots Post
Title: Morris Brown
Contribution:  First 3 shots in the sequence - part of a team of CG artists doing modeling, rigging, shading, texturing and animating CG elements. 4th shot in the sequence - modeled, rigged, textured, shaded, and lighted the dog's muzzle.

Company: Dreams Factory
Title: Win For Life
Contribution: FLY - all CG elements.

Company: Logan VFX
Title: Metal Gear Solid - Werewolf
Contribution: Re-modeled and re-UV of all objects. Objects were of too high resolution for the scene to render. I remodeled hi resolution geometry into lower resolution so the scene would be renderable.

Company: Yu+co
Title:  2008 Olympic Opening/Closing Ceremony Previz
Contribution: Modeled the Beijing Olympic stadium. Textured and lighted some of the Olympic stadium.

Company: Yu+co
Title: The Triangle
Contribution: Fixed UV coordinates. Created textures and touched up pre-existing textures. Set up lighting and camera to get the look of a diorama model combined with real world elements.

Company: independent freelance
Title: Atari Terminator
Contribution:  Animated blobby surface objects for logo. Created blend shapes for morph into solid text.

Company: Dreams Factory
Title: Gears
Contribution: All elements.

Company: none – personal work
Title: Cells
Contribution: All CG elements.